
Code of Conduct

As an internationally operating family business with a long tradition, the Sauer Compressors Group attaches great importance to ethical behaviour as the basis for technically sound and legally correct business relationships.
Compliance with laws and regulations in all countries in which we operate is a matter of course for our ethical standards. Reliability and loyalty towards our employees, partners and shareholders is a common strength which we want to preserve together. Traditions and our corporate values underline our social responsibility.

The worldwide Code of Legal and Ethical Business Conduct of DMB Dr. Dieter Murmann Beteiligungsgesellschaft, which is available for download here, forms the guidelines for the actions of all companies in the Sauer Compressors Group.

Speak Up Policy

This Speak Up Policy describes how to address suspected violations of the Code of Conduct. It also describes the process, what to expect and how protection is designed when concerns are raised (confidentiality, anonymity, protection from retaliation). The Speak Up Policy applies to all employees of DMB Dr. Dieter Murmann Beteiligungsgesellschaft and its affiliates and other key stakeholders.

For anonymous submissions, you can use this online communication tool operated by the independent service provider “SpeakUp”: Click here for SpeakUp (external page)